About Us

PT. Santosa Asih Jaya (SAJ) adalah perusahaan modern yang bergerak di bidang Pemasangan Kabel Distribusi Tegangan Tinggi dan Menengah, Jasa Pelayanan Teknik (YANTEK), Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jaringan, Pengurukan dan Perataan Tanah / Cut and Fill, Konstruksi Jalan Tol, Konstruksi Bendungan, Pembangunan Bangunan, Saluran Irigasi, SPAM dan IPAL, serta Jaringan Gas dan berbagai proyek infrastruktur lainnya.

PT. Santosa Asih Jaya (SAJ) is a modern company engaged in the installation of high and medium voltage distribution cables, technical services, infrastructure network development, land clearing and leveling (cut and fill), toll road construction, dam construction, building construction, irrigation channels, water supply systems (SPAM) and wastewater treatment plants (IPAL), as well as gas networks and various other infrastructure projects.